The War Memorial Library in Hudson is a non-profit registered charity providing a subscription library of printed and digital materials, primarily in the English language, to the residents of Hudson, Quebec and surrounding communities.Operated by volunteers, the Library is self-financing through membership fees, donations and fund raising activities. The Library in turn donates, to local charities, funds in excess of its own needs.The building and the Library serve as a memorial to those in Hudson who served in the Canadian Armed Forces.

Thursday, March 20, 2025

April Book Sale

The April Book Sale will begin on Sunday, April 6th, and continue during our opening hours, April 7th and 10th to 12th - see times below.   

Sunday, April 6th                   1:00 - 3:00 pm
Monday, April 7th                   2:30 - 5:00 pm
Thursday, April 10th               7:00 - 9:00 pm
Friday, April 11th                   2:30 - 5:00 pm
Saturday, April 12th               10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Feature:  Spring activities

Remember to also visit our Book Sale Room.  Shelves are restocked weekly – a great selection at great prices!!  

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting will be held at 1:00 pm on Wednesday, April 16th, at 60 Elm, Hudson, Quebec.

Library members are welcome to attend to vote for the Board of Directors and to get a progress report on library activities.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

February - DVDs

Season 2  

D.I. Ray - Season 2

February - Fiction

Tyce, Harriet

When you read this   Adkins, Mary
Beautyland   Bertino, Marie-Helene
The ministry of time   Bradley, Kaliane
Parable of the sower   Butler, Octavia E.
What I know about you   Chacour, Éric
The arrangement   Dunn, Sarah
Mr. Loverman   Evaristo, Bernardine
The seventh son   Faulks, Sebastian
Beautiful ugly   Feeney, Alice
More or less Maddy   Genova, Lisa
Bright burning things   Harding, Lisa
Precipice   Harris, Robert
Orbital   Harvey, Samantha
The other valley   Howard, Scott Alexander
If the sun never sets   Huang, Ana
Crimes of the father   Keneally, Thomas
Fanatic heart Keneally, Thomas
This tender land   Krueger, William Kent
Whereabouts   Lahiri, Jhumpa
Bye, baby   Lovering, Carola
Queen Macbeth   McDermid, Val
Held   Michaels, Anne
The Less Dead   Mina, Denise
The coast road    Murrin, Alan
Playground    Powers, Richard
The kill artist   Silva, Daniel
The English assassin   Silva, Daniel
Less is lost ( Large-Print )   Greer, Andrew Sean

February - Mysteries

McMahon, John

Return to blood   Bennett, Michael
Identity unknown   Cornwell, Patricia
On the hunt   Johansen, Iris
What the wife knew   Kane, Darby
Midnight and blue   Rankin, Ian
Bonded in death   Robb, J. D.
Seven days   Rutherford, Robert
The framed women of Ardemore House    Schillace, Brandy
All the colors of the dark    Whitaker, Chris

February - Non-Fiction

February - Children's Books

Allan, Alex; Wilson, Anne

Le grand décollage   May, Kyla 
Mme Catastrophe, reine du bricolage   Hargreaves, Roger
Promis, plus de bruit!   Inkpen, Mick

New kid (graphics)   Craft, Jerry

Daniel's duck   Bulla, Clyde Robert

Rhinocorn   Best, Elanor
Love pug   Blabey, Aaron
The going to bed book   Boynton, Sandra
Curly's friends   Cox, Roxbee
Olivia counts   Falconer, Ian
Just Narwhal   Greening, Rosie
Ladybird, let's hide   Jenner, Caryn
My truck book   Kirk, Ellen
George and the noisy baby   Peppa Pig Series
Peppa's Valentine's day   Peppa Pig Series
The tooth fairy   Peppa Pig Series
Shapes with Albert and Amy   Potter, Tony
Opposites with Albert and Amy   Potter, Tony
The Real Mother Goose
Where do jet planes sleep at night?   Sayres, Brianna Caplan
My friend is sad   Willems, Mo
Dragon rider   Funke, Cornelia Caroline

Thursday, February 20, 2025

March Book Sale

 The March Book Sale will begin on Sunday, March 2nd, and continue during our opening hours, March 3rd and March 6th to 8th - see times below.   

Sunday, March 2nd              1:00 - 3:00 pm
Monday, March 3rd              2:30 - 5:00 pm
Thursday, March 6th            7:00 - 9:00 pm
Friday, March 7th                2:30 - 5:00 pm
Saturday, March 8th            10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Remember to also visit our Book Sale Room.  Shelves are restocked weekly – a great selection at great prices!!  

Monday, January 27, 2025

January - Non-Fiction

January - Fiction

Bowen, Rhys

Click on title for more details:

Pet   Chidgey, Catherine
Things don't break on their own   Collins, Sarah Easter
Hit & Mrs.   Crewe, Lesley
Fated shot   Elle, Katherine
Love and other consolation prizes   Ford, Jamie
Cold edge of heaven   Fraser, Whit
Twisted games   Huang, Ana
The ambassador's daughter   Jenoff, Pam
Home for erring and outcast girls   Kibler, Julie
The seaside homecoming   Klassen, Julie
The atlas of reds and blues   Laskar, Devi S
California girls   Mallery, Susan
Do you remember?   McFadden, Frieda
The widow's husband's secret lie   McFadden, Frieda
The book club hotel   Morgan, Sarah
The island villa   Morgan, Sarah
The hunted   Nay, Roz 🍁
Lioness   Perkins, Emily
You shouldn't have come here   Rose, Jeneva
Perestroika in Paris   Smiley, Jane
Women talking   Toews, Miriam
Meet me in London   Toffolo, Georgia
Music & silence   Tremain. Rose
The cold millions   Walter, Jess
Fake it till you bake it   Wesley, Jamie

January - Mysteries

Alder-Olsen, Jussi

Click on title for more details:

The drowned   Banville, John
Outfox   brown, Sandra
Stillhouse Lake   Caine, Rachel
Steeped in secrets   Elliott, Lauren
Murder in a cup   Elliott, Lauren
The Mitford murders   Fellowes, Jessica
The girls weekend   Gehrman, Jody
The rule of law   Lescroart, John T
The god of the woods   Moore, Liz
Robert B. Parker's hot property   Lupica, Mike
The verifiers   Pek, Jane
How to solve your own murder   Perrin, Kristen
A family of strangers   Richards, Emilie
Last call at the Nightingale   Schellman, Katharine
Patient   Shemilt, Jane

January - Children's Books

Carle, Eric

Click on title for more details:

 L'épouvantable bibliothécaire   Balpe, Anne-Gaelle
Nom d'un chat!   Beauchesne, Lou
Terreur dans la classe de sixième   Rivard, Emile

Ne touche jamais un dinosaure! 

Bad Kitty for president   Bruel, Nick
Bad kitty.joins the team  Bruel, Nick
The boy at the back of the class   Rauf, Onjali Q

Baby kiss   Bolam, Emily ( Illustrator )
Feminist Baby : he's a feminist too!   Brantz, Loryn
Dear Santa : a lift-the-flap book   Campbell, Rod
The very lonely firefly   Carle, Eric
I am not sleepy and I will not go to bed   Child, Lauren
The pout-pout fish, far, far from home   Diesen, Deborah
Tick-tock, Pooh's clock Disney Winnie the Pooh 
Farm / Baby touch and feel
Finger rhymes 
Fern and Horn   Gay, Marie-Louise 🍁
How are you Binoo?   Jolin, Dominique 🍁
Who loves me?   McPhail, David
Hand, hand, fingers, thumb   Perkins, Al
Count to 10   Radford, Tracey
Murray's first book of words   Sesame Street, Au, Heather
Colors   Sirett, Dawn
Little Quack's ABC's   Thompsen, Lauren

The girl who drank the moon   Barnhill, Kelly Regan
The body under the piano   Jocelyn, Marthe
Midnight in Everwood   Kuzniar, M A

Monday, January 20, 2025

February Book Sale

The February Book Sale will begin on Sunday and Monday, February 2nd and 3rd, and continue during our opening hours, February 6th to 8th - see times below.   

FEATURE:  Love of Food

Sunday, February 2nd              1:00 - 3:00 pm
Monday, February 3rd              2:30 - 5:00 pm
Thursday, February 6th            7:00 - 9:00 pm
Friday, February 7th                2:30 - 5:00 pm
Saturday, February 8th            10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Remember to also visit our Book Sale Room.  Shelves are restocked weekly – a great selection at great prices!!  

Friday, December 20, 2024

January Book Sale

The January Book Sale will take place on Monday, January 6th from 2:30 p.m. till 5:00 p.m., and continue during our opening hours, January 9th to 11th - see times below.  

Thursday, January 9th         7:00 - 9:00 pm
Friday, January 10th            2:30 - 5:00 pm
Saturday, January 11th        10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Feature:  winter reading

Remember to also visit our Book Sale Room.  Shelves are restocked weekly – a great selection at great prices!!