The War Memorial Library in Hudson is a non-profit registered charity providing a subscription library of printed and digital materials, primarily in the English language, to the residents of Hudson, Quebec and surrounding communities.Operated by volunteers, the Library is self-financing through membership fees, donations and fund raising activities. The Library in turn donates, to local charities, funds in excess of its own needs.The building and the Library serve as a memorial to those in Hudson who served in the Canadian Armed Forces.

Friday, September 27, 2024

September - Fiction

Boyne, John

Click on title for more details:

Death and other happy endings   Cantor, Melanie
A nearly normal family   Edvardsson, M.T.
Kairos   Erpenbeck, Jenny
James   Everett, Percival
Till death do us part   Flynn, Laurie Elizabeth 🍁
Restless Dolly Maunder   Grenville,Kate
Camino ghosts   Grisham, John
The rabbit hutch   Gunty, Tess
Kukum   Jean, Michel 🍁
My favourite mistake   Keyes, Marian
A song of comfortable chairs   McCall Smith, Alexander
How to raise an elephant   McCall Smith, Alexander
You are here   Nicholls, David
Chandelier   O'Meara, David 🍁
I invited her in   Parks, Adele
By any other name   Picoult,Jodi
The briar club   Quinn,Kate
The war pianist   Robotham,Mandy
Home is where the bodies are   Rose, Jeneva
With love from Cold World   Thompson, Alicia
Long Island   Toibim, Colm
Absolutely and forever   Tremain, Rose
The safekeep   Van der Wouden, Yael
Big summer   Weiner, Jennifer
Black cake   Wilkerson, Charmaine
No bad deed   Chavez, Heather ( Large-Print )
I'd give anything   De los Santos, Marisa ( Large-Print )
The institute   King, Stephen ( Large-Print )

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