The War Memorial Library in Hudson is a non-profit registered charity providing a subscription library of printed and digital materials, primarily in the English language, to the residents of Hudson, Quebec and surrounding communities.Operated by volunteers, the Library is self-financing through membership fees, donations and fund raising activities. The Library in turn donates, to local charities, funds in excess of its own needs.The building and the Library serve as a memorial to those in Hudson who served in the Canadian Armed Forces.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

July - Children's Books

Journal d'un dégonflé #14 : Ça déménage! 
Kinney, Jeff

Click on title for more details:

Le loup qui voulait changer de couleur   Lallemand, Orianne
Hulu et le vent des tempêtes   Volot, Frederique 
Ride On (graphics)   Hicks, Faith Erin
Swing it, Sunny! (graphics)   Holm, Jennifer L
The Burning Maze   Riordan, Rick

Sometimes I like to curl up in a ball   Churchill, Vicki
Not so small at all   Magsamen, Sandra
Frida Kahlo   Sanchez, Vegara
Coco Chanel   Sanchez, Vegara
The biggest kiss   Walsh, Joanna
How do dinosaurs clean their rooms?   Yolen, Jane

Zatanna : the jewel of Gravesend (graphics)   Arden, Alys
Felix ever after   Callender, Kacen
Messy roots : a graphic memoir of a Wuhanese American   Gao, Laura
Phoebe's diary   Wahl, Phoebe

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