The War Memorial Library in Hudson is a non-profit registered charity providing a subscription library of printed and digital materials, primarily in the English language, to the residents of Hudson, Quebec and surrounding communities.Operated by volunteers, the Library is self-financing through membership fees, donations and fund raising activities. The Library in turn donates, to local charities, funds in excess of its own needs.The building and the Library serve as a memorial to those in Hudson who served in the Canadian Armed Forces.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

June - Mysteries

I will ruin you 
Barclay,Winwood 🍁

Click on title for more details:

The peacock and the sparrow   Berry I S
Mrs. Jeffries and the midwinter murders   Brightwell Emily
A nye of pheasants   Burrows Steve 🍁
The hike   Clarke Lucy
Think twice   Coben Harlan
The poacher's son   Doiron Paul
Trespasser   Doiron Paul
Massacre pond   Doiron Paul
The guilty girl   Gibney Patricia
Southern man   Iles Greg
Laws of annihilation   La Salle Eriq
Someone saw something   Mofina Rick 🍁
Circle in the water   Muller Marcia
Dead mountain   Preston Douglas J
Toxic prey   Sandford John
The truth about the Devlins   Scottoline Lisa
Long gone   Swank Denise Grover
The ambitious city : a macneice mystery   Thornley Scott 🍁
One perfect couple   Ware Ruth
What came before he shot her George Elizabeth ( Large Print ) As the wicked watch Hall Tamron ( Large Print )

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