The War Memorial Library in Hudson is a non-profit registered charity providing a subscription library of printed and digital materials, primarily in the English language, to the residents of Hudson, Quebec and surrounding communities.Operated by volunteers, the Library is self-financing through membership fees, donations and fund raising activities. The Library in turn donates, to local charities, funds in excess of its own needs.The building and the Library serve as a memorial to those in Hudson who served in the Canadian Armed Forces.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Creative Writing Workshop

Ten sessions, 1 p.m.- 3 p.m., Tuesday, September 20 until November 22. Facilitated by Timothy Fain, leader of creative writing workshops in Montreal and the West Island for many years. Ten sessions for $65. Book now- registration is limited.
Contact Timothy at 514-426-0687 or

August Childrens' Books

August Teen Books